Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 45 - The beer man has NOT left the building...

It's taken me a bit to cool down after tonight. I had an amazing night in sales and just an overall great night and then I tried to stay and watch the game.

I'll get to that later...first...the stories from the night...

-I witnessed a man in his 70's have his collar popped on his polo. He was also carrying 2 beers and a huge thing of nachos.

-Manny still got was plenty worse tonight...guess if your name gets added to the bad list for the '03 season you just get more boo's. I didn't feel bad at all when Manny was booed...he deserved every bit of it tonight. I even noticed some Dodger fans booing him!

-I ran into an old boss. Not just any old boss...but the president of the college where I was laid off from...which has inevitably allowed me to get such jobs as being a beer man at Busch Stadium. He had a sheepish grin on his face as he said hi to me...He was accompanied by 2 professors from said college. I was semi-hoping they would buy a beer from me...but they seemed to have stuck with their soda and peanuts. I'm hoping he saw me in action and felt some regret for the layoff they had to make...I won't lie though...I'm beyond blessed that I'm not still there though! I can't imagine working there with the pay cuts and such that have had to take place over the past few months...not to mention, several other reasons why I'm much happier selling beer and doing contract jobs around STL as a web/graphic designer.

-I have been told before that I have a "booming" voice. I have also had a few nights when I felt like my voice just wouldn't project very far. Well tonight I think I projected very well. I may have accidentally caused an older gentlemen to nearly have a heart attach. I was at the end of the steps in a section knelt down about to yell out my beer call. I projected, "ICE COLD BEER! ICE COLD BUD, BUD LIGHT, BUD SELECT! ICE COLD BEER HERE!" As I said the first part of my beer call, I noticed the older gentlemen next to me jump as if he was scared to death...He immediately reached his hand up to his ear and started to mess with his hearing aid. I felt awful. I could see the expression on his face that he just experienced some pain. I apologized and he said he was okay, he just needed to be sure to keep it turned down a bit when I came by...I apologized again and just made sure I either didn't go down that section the rest of the night or not be right next to him when I'd yell out my beer call.

-I decided that after last night's lengthy game in extra innings, that I wanted to witness something like that again if it'd happen tonight...So I check out and clock out and decide to stand behind the bleachers, next to a merchandise booth behind left-center field. I wasn't blocking anyone's view and I was having to watch the game through the bars of some bleachers...Not the best view, but hey, I could still see the action around the diamond. I watch about 3 or 4 plays when I get a tap on the shoulder. It was one of the supervisors for Sports Services. He motioned for me to come with him. I honestly didn't know what I was gonna hear from him. He just looked at me and said, "You aren't supposed to be in the building." I was kind of shocked but at the same time I wasn't about to fight with him on something and get in some sort of trouble or risk losing my only job. ...not that I could really have gotten fired, possibly written up...but I found out earlier in the night that they have started to let people go recently...starting with the high schoolers who are food vendors and not making much commission...and if they need to cut beer men, they said they will... So he stood there and watched me walk out of the gate...I didn't turn around to see if he guarded the gate, I just decided I'd walk over to Mike Shannon's and watch it the time I got over to Shannon's I decided that I just wanted to get home. I was exhausted and hungry...and when Josh gets hungry, Josh gets cranky. I'm glad I didn't stay...glad I didn't get to stay...since they did cough up the game in the 10th. Oh well...we still won the series!

Overall as for sales, a great night! I've been very impressed and blessed with my sales this week...Looks like I've been nudging my way into the top half of most sales for the beer man of my commissary.

Totals thus far:
73 Bags of Cracker Jacks
90 Bottles of Water
177 Bags of Peanuts
2606 Bottles of Beer

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 44 - "ID please"...."you're a hard ass!"

I really don't know what I could say that could even compare to the game that took place last night.

I am still mad at myself for leaving the stadium last night. By the time I got through checking out and clocked out, it was the middle of the 9th inning. I decided that I would get to my car in time to beat the traffic since I knew I had a busy day ahead of me. As I was walking across the parking lot next to the stadium, I hear the roar of the crowd as the Cardinals got a runner on second and had the game winning run at the plate.

I walked past Mike Shannon's and stopped to look up at one of the screens that the game was projected onto. The "bouncer" standing there told me to come on in and I could watch if I wanted to from inside...I was rather shocked I wasn't carded...but maybe I'm just used to being the "hard ass" (yes, I was called that last night) that I am carding people in the stadium.

I watched the Cards tie up the game and I decide to head on home...I couldn't go back into the stadium anyways or I would have gone back in...and I personally didn't care to just stand around at Shannon's in my sweat-soaked uniform.

It was weird. I was sitting at home watching the game I was just working at. Then I got pissed. I realized my phone just died, so I went to grab the charger from my room and when I came back and looked at the tv, the game was over. Albert's walk-off hit was amazing...seen through replays...oh well...I have a hunch I'll see him hit many homeruns at a home game this season...

Anyways...last night was pretty amazing...not just the game, but in sales. I did pretty well! I decided that I would stop selling Cracker Jacks and sell bottled water in its place since I'd make more commission off of bottled water. Not to mention, cracker jack sales haven't been the best for me lately...

Stories and such from last night's game -

-I was called a "hard ass". I had a group of 4 ask for 4 beers. The guy on the end asked for them. I only got a quick glance at him and the guy next to him and the girl in the 4th seat down, but not the 3rd person. Since they looked like they were in their late 20's, I still carded them. (Reminder: we are to ID anyone who appears to be under 31 1/2) So the guy asked if I needed all 4 of them and I said yes. Well that 3rd person I didn't get a look at, looked like it was this dude's mom. He showed me his ID and he said he was 33 and his wife was older than him. So he showed me his wife's ID and she was older than him...she was in her late 40's...nearly a 15 year age difference....Anyways the girl at the end who I did see before wasn't too happy either...she asked me if I really needed to see her ID because she was going to have trouble getting it out of her wallet with a sprained wrist...she then lifted her wrist up to show the brace she had on. I asked if one of the guys could please help her and they finally got it. She was upset to the point where she wasn't even wanting the beer and called me a hard ass for carding them when they were clearly old enough...I gave them their 4 beers and collected their money...

My job as a beer man...(my only job and only source of income) too important to me to keep than to get fired for not carding someone and possibly getting caught selling to a minor! It seems to be that about every night, I have just one or two groups who get all pissed off about me carding them. Most people already have their ID ready for me to check. What's the big deal? If someone has gray hair and is obviously in their 80's, no, I won't card them...9 times out of 10, people (ladies) appreciate being carded.

-I sold an entire case of beer by only walking down one row of steps into one section...awesomeness! I nearly sold another full case during the bottom of the 7th inning in a different section!

-During the play where Manny caught that ball that cause a stir in the crowd, personally, it looked like it was a homerun where Manny put a little hollywood into it to get it called fan interference...I don't know why all of the fans thought that the beer man would know everything about that play that just happened, but I was bombarded with questions from people asking me what happened and why they called back that homerun...I just replied back that it'd be on Sports Center or Baseball Tonight later tonight...and it was.

Overall, I think I did pretty well in sales compared to other beer men...I sold right at 3 1/2 cases and I was shocked to hear how some of the guys didn't even get past their 2nd case...

I've come to learn that as a beer man, it's not just about making 'regular' customers through a game, but also being in the right spot at the right time....basically having ice cold beer when everyone around you is thirsty. ...mmmmm...that just made me thirsty...

Totals thus far:
73 Bags of Cracker Jacks
86 Bottles of Water
176 Bags of Peanuts
2511 Bottles of Beer

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 43 - Rain, Rain, Go Away

I wanted to make sure tonight was well worth showing up for work. I had decided to play the responsible card and not go with friends to 6-Flags today and actually go to work...since the stadium job is currently my only source of income. So I told myself that I wanted to be sure tonight was well worth showing up for.

Then the rain came...and never left...well, not until around 8 did it clear up, only to start to sprinkle an hour later for most of the remainder of the game.

With an hour and 35 minute rain delay, we had to stop selling beer at 10. This didn't make many people happy...which I'll get to in a bit.

I had only sold 4 beers before the game started....4! oh, well that's not bad right? well, when I was working for a solid hour and 35 minutes before the game started...yeah...that's bad. You'd think people would just drink away during a rain delay...not tonight...everyone was off to a slow start. I was wondering if being responsible was a mistake for the day and 6-Flags would have been the best option....Finally people started drinking as soon as the first pitch was thrown. It was like a switch that was turned on in them. Baseball game started = time to drink brewskies.

The rain delay caused for plenty of people to crowd the Redbird Club. They were craving for this game to start...and as soon as the teams took the field, the Redbird club looked like a ghost town.

Stories...oh the stories:

-Manny was once again booed. When his name was announced, as he came to the plate, even as he fielded a ball hit into right love for Manny. This actually kind of saddened me. Not that I'm a Manny fan, but for the little kids that showed up that were Manny fans. I saw numerous kids who were decked out in their Manny attire and were there to see their hero play ball. To bad their hero cheated...and most of them (the small children in Manny attire) don't understand that yet...and all they knew was that their hero wasn't welcome in Busch Stadium.

-After the game had started, I started walking the steps through the sections. I was walking down the steps of one section and before I even took the first step, I heard someone next to me ask for a Bud Light. I turn to my right and there is sitting a young guy on the end of the row and with him were two young girls next to him and a guy who might have been 21 next to the girls. I turn around and ask for his ID. He looked like he was already having a rough life and me asking for his ID is what sent him over the edge. He started to cuss and complain about me carding him. He never said it to my face, but as he was digging through his wallet, he would say how it was bullsh*t that I was carding him and how it was going to be f*cking ridiculous to be carded every time he wanted a beer. I read the expressions on the girls' face sitting next to him and they seemed to already be irritated by their friend's attitude. He hands me his ID, and the guy just turned 21 a few months ago. I guess when you turn 21, everyone simply knows you're 21 and you shouldn't have to be carded ever again....FALSE! I handed him his ID back and started to get his beer for him and told him it would be $7.75. He then fumbled through his wallet and started cussing some more about being carded.

At this point, I was already pissed at this kid and now he was sending me over the edge. I had already planned out in my head how I was going to be sure I spread the word to other beer men to keep their eye out for this kid and card him every damn time...or simply cut him off, since we do reserve the right to refuse a sale to anyone.

Anyways...back to this dumb ass sitting here fumbling with his dollar bills. He had to ask the girl next to him for a dollar in quarters cause he only had $6.75 on him. She fished out quarters for him...clearly he wasn't a big tipper...and I didn't expect it from the moment I saw him. He took the beer and handed it down to his friend sitting a few seats down from him. I said, "wait, I didn't know it was for him, I need to see an ID first." The kid buying the beer started to cuss some more about beer men ID'ing him and his friends. The guy who he bought the beer for said, "dude, chill, he is just doing his job." That's when this kid looked up at me as I was getting the other guy's ID and said, "wait, honestly, who do you think looks older?" I looked at his friend who had a much older look about himself and a half-beard growing...and then I looked back at the punk who had the baby-face going for him...and I said, "your friend does." That just pissed him off more...His friend was older. He was 22. So I gave him the beer and his buddy was still pissed and cussing and moaning about me ID'ing him. I just looked at him and told him, "I'm just doing my job. We ID everyone who appears to be 31 1/2 and under. You won't be able to go anywhere else in this stadium and not get ID'd." I then told him thank you for the sale and walked away.

As I made my way back up to the top of the steps of that section a few minutes later, he just glared at me the whole time I walked past him. He looked like he was having as if he thought he was amazing and had a much older look/appearance about himself...I would love to have that moment relived tonight, because I would have been a much more of a smart ass back to this guy. As the night progressed, I passed by him 2 more times going into that section and every time I would walk up the steps, I'd glance over that way to see if anyone wanted a beer and he'd be there glaring right back at me as if I just ruined his life forever.

-At 9:45, I started to announce 'last call'. Several people didn't like this. Since the game was still in the middle of the 5th, most people were expecting beer sales to continue through to the bottom of the 7th. I had one guy look very confused and almost sad as if he was going to cry and asked why we were ending so early. I explained how we are only allowed to sell till 10 because of the liquor license at Busch Stadium. I won't lie, the guy looked like he was ready to cry. Another group of guys we wanting to know what happened if there was another rain delay and the game lasted till 1 or 2 a.m. I told them that no matter what, we were done at 10. These guys weren't happy. They wanted to know who made those rules and why would we stop selling to beer-thirsty people? I explained it to them, but I think they had already drank a few too many to comprehend anything that was going on.

Totals thus far:
73 Bags of Cracker Jacks
80 Bottles of Water
171 Bags of Peanuts
2427 Bottles of Beer

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 41 - 42 - Hit the Ground Running

It's been awhile since my last post. It has felt good to take a short break after the All-Star festivities. I did work the Friday night game following the All-Star Game against Arizona...It was decent. Honestly, not that many stories from it.

Several people would ask if I was there during the All-Star Game and wanted to know what that was like. I'll be honest, it still hasn't fully hit me that I was there.

I then took that Saturday game off and I went to the game on Sunday with my smokn' hot girlfriend. 3rd row up from center field in the bleachers...not a single hit out to us the whole game. We won though.

And now after having over a full week away from the stadium, I hit the ground running last night. A sold-out crowd in attendance to welcome in the new Cardinal's we had gained over this past weeks road trip.

Highlights/stories from working last night:

-Manny got booed and it was delicious!

-Holliday received a standing ovation from the his new hometown fans. Personally, I think Lugo should have gotten a standing-o as well, I mean, both guys are on fire!

-I had a really cool group of older guys who were Dodgers fans who kept buying from me all night and told me to come back tomorrow night cause they'd be there and would buy from me again.

-I witnessed an older guy (Cards fan)...I mean he had to be in his late 70's...maybe even 80's and he was standing up yelling and cussing at Manny and the Dodgers for keeping Manny. It was a sight to was simply hilarious to hear an old man cuss.

-I had a fan who kept asking me for Grey Goose. I told him I only had Bud, Bud Light and Select Beer, he would simply respond in a goose-ish yell "Grey Goose". He had a good laugh and every time I walked by him, he'd yell, 'Grey Goose'.

-I think someone crapped their pants in section 251. I didn't even bother going down the steps into that section one time because the smell was so awful and so strong. People were complaining to the ushers and I think someone set off a stink-bomb...

Overall, a great night! Thanks to the bottom of the 7th, and the Dodgers' pitching changes, I was able to sell nearly a whole extra case of beer. I did just as good in sales as I did during the All-Star Game...If I keep this up all week...I could get away with only working at the stadium for the next month...

Games every night for the rest of the week...hopefully lots of stories to share!

Totals thus far:
72 Bags of Cracker Jacks
80 Bottles of Water
165 Bags of Peanuts
2381 Bottles of Beer

Friday, July 17, 2009

Photos from the All-Star Game & meeting Ryan Franklin

Here are a few pictures that I took before the All-Star Game. Enjoy.

On a side note - I met Ryan Franklin tonight. I went out with a few friends tonight to go play some putt-putt golf and hit some balls in the batting cage down in Fenton. While we were going to start on the front 9...we thought we saw a guy who looked just like Ryan Franklin...I thought his goatee was a bit shorter looking than Franklin's...Then an employee saw us looking and told us, "yep, that's him." He was with his wife and 3 kids playing on some go karts and in the batting cages. It was funny, cause it's not like he ever really needs to take an at-bat....but he was bunting about 75% of the balls in the cage. Then as we walked over to the cages, we walked about 2 feet away from him. We didn't say anything to him, cause honestly, we were sure he probably got bothered enough and he just wanted to spend time with his family. Well, a little while later we saw him and his family leave. Shortly there after, we left...I had noticed an Escalade in the parking lot just sitting there with it's lights on...I mentioned to my buddy that I thought it was him and his family.

So we left and after a tough decision between Sonic and BWW's, Jeremy made the decision and we went to BWW's to grab some wings. After getting our order placed, the waiter came back to our table and told us that we were eating with a celebrity. We saw that Franklin and his family came in and sat down about 4 tables away from us. That's when about a dozen people or so came over from the bar area to shake his hand, congratulate him and get autographs. We were kind of getting ticked at them for bothering the guy...I mean, crap, he just wanted to enjoy some time w/ his family. So eventually people left him alone. On our way out though, we decided, we'd at least tell him congrats and not really bother him, but still let him know we knew who he was...So we told him congrats on the All-Star Game and he just nodded his head and said thanks as he had a mouth full of food. I wanted to slip a picture of him w/ my phone, but figured it wasn't the right time to do something like that. It was pretty awesome to see him out with his family and interacting with his wife and just don't get to see that side of Athletes. My respect has grown for him even more as a family man off the field.

Kiener Plaza setup for the Mike & Mike show on ESPN radio.

All of those are Cardinal hats...setup inside the stadium.

This is the site of the stadium before the gates are even opened to the public.

Can you spot the snipers?

It was as if the President was gonna be there or something...

There were at least 8 of these guys on the rooftop, I got a picture of 4 of them.

It's so stealthy...

This was so amazing!

Obama meeting with Cardinal Hall-of-Famers

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 40 - The All-Star Game

**Editor's Note** (This is part 3 of a 3 part blog covering the 3 events this beer man will be working at during the All-Star break)

***I have pictures of the events that took place during the All-Star Game that I have yet to upload. I plan to have them uploaded on here in the next few days.

To start off the day, I had to park in a different garage. The garage I usually park in was full...was I surprised? No. It was the fricken day of the All-Star Game. So I parked in the Macy's garage since we could use our parking passes there for the All-Star I only spent $6.50 instead of $15 on parking that the Macy's garage was charging.

I was worried about making it into the stadium on time since the Red Carpet Parade was going on when I got downtown. I didn't know how I was going to get across Market Street to get to the stadium in time...and then to stand in line to get through the security/secret service. My luck would have it that the parade ended just as I was getting up to the corner of Broadway and Market. So I made it across the red carpet and headed to Gate 6. Gate 6 was the only gate Sports Services employees could go through. I saw the long line and decided that I would try my luck of jumping the line and going through. I walked straight up to the security and they let me in after going through the metal detector. I guess they hadn't officially opened the gates to fans. The guard went through every single zipper on my backpack. I was asked to turn my phone and camera on to show them that were actually what they looked iPhone and a camera...As I entered through the gate, there were numerous secret service men standing there as well as a few drug dogs there to help sniff people out.

While waiting for the game to start, the beer men in commissary 240 were looking down at the field and all of the commotion going on throughout the stadium from the top of section 240. That's when one of the beer men noticed the snipers on the roofs. With Obama coming to throw the first pitch, there was so much security. There were 2 snipers at each of the three locations on the top of the roof above sections 370, 430, and 450. It was awesome and crazy to see at the same time.

I started to go out and sell about 2 hours before the game was supposed to start. I made a few sales...but nothing too amazing...I had a case sold before the line up was announced. But a story I want to share is about someone I met. I didn't get the guys name...but he had on a very very very large ring on his finger. Let's just say it was a Super Bowl ring. It was large! I could see the Super Bowl trophy on the top of the ring with shinny gems around it and I could tell that it said 197-. I couldn't tell what the last digit was, but it was from the 1970's. The guy was probably in his late 50' it's not like I could card him to find out who he was...but I was in a state of shock and awe of this dude and his ring that I just froze. He told me to be sure to visit frequently with cold beer. I went back to that section several times and he never needed a beer whenever I came back. He was with a few other guys who just shunned me away when I came back with more beer....

Before the game even started...there was the opening ceremonies...almost like the Olympics Opening Ceremonies...ok, but on a slightly smaller scale. After I sold through my first case of beer, I loaded back up and stood between section 249 and 250. There were so many people standing in between the sections...the supervisory for my commissary was standing there next to me and she saw me trying to take pictures. She came over to me and told me to take my beer tub down the steps and then sit on it at the front row of the section and take pictures. So I did just that.

I was able to take numerous pictures of the announcing of the line up and seeing Sheryl Crow sing the National Anthem. It was amazing to see the standing ovation that Albert got when he was announced. When the video of the 5 Presidents was played...Obama did get booed...while the other 4 presidents got very loud cheers. George W. Bush with the loudest cheers...which was rather odd in my opinion. There was even a mixture of cheering and booing when Obama came out for the first pitch. When this was brought up in the commissary between the beer men when we were checking out...a flood of debates flared up between Democrats and Republicans and who screwed up the most in the past as President...blah blah blah...all I know is the truth is that Obama got booed...and Bush got loud was just crazy....I didn't cheer for any of them honestly.

After the National Anthem was sang, an amazing event occurred...a stealth bomber flew over the looked so huge compared to the pics I got. It looked so close to the stadium when it flew over. It was amazing!

It was then that the usher at the end of the steps i was standing next to told me to make my way back up the steps... I couldn't believe this crap...I was out of everyone's way and doing no harm to anyone. So I went up to the top of the steps and just stood on the top of the case of beer in my beer tub to get a better view of the field over the people standing in front of me. I got a few pictures of Obama taking the mound for the first pitch. I saw the replay on Sports Center and I think that for Obama being as ripped as he has been portrayed in photos, that was a weak pitch to Albert.

I didn't see a single beer man moving through any aisle while the opening ceremonies were taking place. It was quite the site to many people packed into the stadium and no one moved or did anything besides stand and cheer during the half hour before the game started.

Once the opening ceremonies concluded, it was on like donkey kong...I sold my second case of beer in a matter of minutes...and then it was like pulling teeth to sell anything for the next hour. But after making one sale in this one section to this grandpa (I say that cause he was talking to me about his grandsons sitting next to him) he bought a Bud Light from me. I walked to the end of the steps and while I was looking back up, I saw the grandpa about 3/4 of the way up the section and he looked down to one of his grandsons...probably the youngest of the 3 grandsons...I'd say about 5 years old, and gave him a drink of beer from the bottle. I was shocked. I started to make my way up to report him when he already made his way out of the section. I told an usher and left it for him to deal with. I hear numerous people near him yell at him and he just chuckled and asked his grandson if he liked it and he said yes...

This next story is rather amazing!!! I was on my way up the steps of one section when this guy motioned for 2 beers. I recognized the two gentlemen sitting there from standing around behind section 250 for the first inning or I imagined they had standing room only tickets. I made my way over, I noticed that one guy had a Royals jersey on and was sleeping! I'm not joking, the guy had his eyes closed! So maybe he was praying...I'm not sure, but he had his eyes closed! When his buddy asked him what kind of beer he wanted he quickly woke up and looked around...

That's when I had the most amazing conversation with this gentlemen in the Royals jersey. He asked me if I was a NASCAR driver too. I looked at him and was confused as every. I told him no. He replied, "well you wear the same gloves as them NASCAR drivers"
I told him that I had them to help me get a better grip on my beer tub.
"So is this a summer job?"
"No...this is kind of actually my job right now" I said.
"Oh? well what do you do?"
I told him how I am a graphic designer and was laid off from my job and was finishing up a contract job that ended this Friday.
He went on to tell me that I had an amazing job to get my by in the mean-time and then told me how his wife works for a promotional company and they are always looking for graphic designers...and then asked me if I had a card on me.
"No, but I can email" I said as I pulled out my iPhone.
"Do that. Send me your contact info. Be sure to remind me that you were the beer man at the All-Star Game...and I'll see what myself or my wife can do for you."
So I got his email address and am sending him an email as soon as this blog is completed.

That'd be pretty sweet to possibly get a job from simply talking to someone while being a beer man...but then again, he did have a Royals jersey on and was sort of sleeping...THROUGH THE ALL-STAR GAME!!!!

This next story is just down right hilarious...well, I was simply quick witted and shut a fan up pretty quick. I was making a sale to lady who looked rather young for her age, so I carded her and she was actually 25 and was buying 2 beers from me. I carded her. As I was about to open the first beer a man behind me yelled, "hey, beer man!" So I turned around, thinking I was going to make another sale before the end of the inning and the guy yelled to me, "Is she even old enough to be buying those beers from you?" I said, "Yeah, she is. I carded her." I went back to finishing the sale with the young lady and heard the same guy yell again, "Hey beer man!" I turned back towards him and he yelled, "are you sure? because she doesn't even look old enough!" I quickly yelled back to him, "Well neither do I!" He just looked back at me slightly puzzled and turned back around.

Overall, it was an awesome night! I didn't sell as much as I had hoped for, but 4 cases wasn't too bad either. I was honestly hoping to sell at least 5...but for some reason, people weren't drinking that quick after the game was half-way through...and it didn't help that the game went by quickly.

On my way back to my car, I was kicking myself in the butt for not trying to get one of the seat cushions that was placed on every single seat in the stadium. It was a promotion by State Farm, but looked really sweet and had the All-Star logo on it. I was wanting one really bad...So I asked a guy that was walking in front of me that had 3 seat cushions if he was needing all 3 of them or was willing to get rid of one of them. He looked back at me and said, "Yeah, I need them" and him and his buddy turned and went a different direction from where I was walking. The tone in his voice was as if I was someone trying to scam him or was about to mug him...I couldn't believe it...I asked politely...oh well...better luck next time i guess...

I still can't believe that I was blessed and fortunate enough to be a part of something so amazing as the All-Star Game. I am so blessed to have been laid off from that job I had nearly a year ago. I just can't wait to see what other doors open up!

Be sure to check back here in the next few days for photos I took of the All-Star Game.

Totals thus far:
65 Bags of Cracker Jacks
80 Bottles of Water
158 Bags of Peanuts
2221 Bottles of Beer

Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 39 - Home Run Derby

**Editor's Note** (This is part 2 of a 3 part blog covering the 3 events this beer man will be working at during the All-Star break)

I can't believe it. I got paid to see something so amazing! It's still really surreal. The fact that I'm watching Sports Center right now and the HR Derby is the only thing they are really talking about...that's just cool.

I have a flood of memories going through my head from tonight and I'll do my best to fit them in here tactfully.

I drove downtown a bit early just to enjoy the surroundings and to be sure I made it to the stadium on time. While walking through Kiener Plaza, I was surrounded by people. It was awesome! Felt like what the downtown of a city should feel like on a regular basis.

I enjoyed my walk to the stadium and seeing how much the city had transformed into a media circus for the next few days.

I decided to go out w/ my beer and peanuts early tonight to try and make up for the pitiful night last night...It was still rough honestly selling beer till about many people were down next to the field...but event he people who were already in their seats weren't wanting any beer yet...

So I did what everyone else was doing. I watched. I stood around for about 45 minutes watching the National and American Leagues take bp. I would still ask people walking past me if they wanted some beer...but I took it easy cause I knew it was going to be a long night.

I got a good chuckle when they announced the mascots that are in the MLB...of course the place went crazy when Fred Bird was introduced. The crowd was mostly Cardinal fans...which was just awesome...but the place went crazy when they would ask people to 'thank' STL and Busch Stadium for hosting.

I met the owner of the St. Louis Cardinal's brother. He was in the first row of section 253. He told me about watching the Cardinals at Sportsman Park and how his grandpa had owned the Cardinals from the '20s-'50s. As a season ticket holder, he told me that even though his brother owns the Cardinals, he still makes him pay for his tickets.

Nikko Smith performed the National Anthem. An amazing voice on that kid. Then there were a couple of jets that flew over the stadium after the national was so amazing! Not to mention, seeing his father, yes, the Ozzie Smith, throw out the first pitch of the night. I also got to see David Cook perform a few songs. It was pretty amazing to get to see the performances by both artists. The picture to the right is from my phone of David Cook's performance.

I also met Lee Smith at the game tonight. He was sitting in the top row of a section I was selling beer in. I noticed several people talking to him and I asked an usher what the deal was and so after I found out who he was, I met him. If you don't know who I'm talking about, click on the link on his name.

I had several people ask me if I was enjoying myself tonight. Does a beer crap in the woods? Is the Pope Catholic? I had an amazing time. I'll be honest though, I got tired real quickly through the night. That tub of beer got pretty heavy as the night went on...and it's not like I wasn't selling was just a long night.

When Albert came up to bat, I sat my tub down behind section 250 and watched what I anticipated to be much more of an amazing show that what actually took place. Personally, I think it was all of the media that was already picking Pujols to win it and that pressure just got to him...just my opinion...It looked like hundreds of strobe lights were placed throughout the many camera flashes were going off when Albert came up to bat. It was such an amazing site to see.

It was amazing to hear the crowd when Albert was first announced...when they were announcing all 8 of the hitters for the night. The roar of the crowd was so loud. (how loud was it?) It was so loud that I couldn't hear the PA announcer or could I hear anything at all. It was by far the loudest I have ever heard the crowd at Busch Stadium...and I've witnessed some amazing games and some amazingly loud crowds...simply amazing!

As for selling beer tonight...I had a guy ask me how much a case of beer would cost at the stadium. I told him $210 (since the price of beer is $8.75)...He looked back at me as if he was thinking. His buddy next to him looked at him, then at me, then back to him and yelled a concerned "no!" His buddy was asking me to bring them a full case of beer on ice. I told him I couldn't do that because I could only sell 2 beers per person per transaction. He was obviously a bit toasted already and asked the question over again. His friend next to him just sat him down and asked me to go away before he tried buying the rest of my case of beer....

With last call starting about 9:10 and check-out time at 9:30...I was able to watch the final round of the HR Derby. I tried to find a spot to watch, but after fighting through the crowd, I decided to head home so I wouldn't be fighting the crowd on my way home. I actually did have a spot where I was standing next to an usher and then another usher came over and told me I couldn't stand there. I decided that it was then that I'd go home.

And now here I sit...still surreal feeling...I plan to take my camera and have it with me throughout the All-Star game tomorrow night. I can't wait!

Remember to check back here tomorrow night for part 3 of this 3 part blog coverage of the All-Star activities!

Totals thus far:
65 Bags of Cracker Jacks
80 Bottles of Water
156 Bags of Peanuts
2125 Bottles of Beer

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 38 - All-Star Future's Game

**Editor's Note** (This is part 1 of a 3 part blag covering the 3 events this beer man will be working)

After a very easy drive downtown without hardly any traffic like I thought there would be, I pull into my usual parking garage on 7th & Pine. It was a much older lady collecting money today. She looked at me...did a double take...and then asked me if I had a brother. I don't. I was confused by her asking me this...I told her no. She looked at me and said, "are you sure?" I laughed to myself and told her I had a sister and that was it. She went on to tell me that there was a guy who just went up into the garage who looked like he was my twin. I just responded with a "ah" and gave her my money. She handed me my parking pass and told me to watch out for myself up there. Never a dull moment parking in that garage.

I started to walk towards the stadium. There was a vibe in the air throughout downtown. It was like something I had never experienced before. Seeing everything decked out with All-Star decor and the crowded streets was amazing!

If you haven't had a chance to walk through Kiener Plaza and the area where the old Busch Stadium used to be, it's a must see area! Amazing stuff! I can't even begin to describe it all...

After getting changed into my uniform, I made my way up near commissary 240 and had glanced over to see this amazingness. The design in the grass. I've never seen a stadium's grass look so amazing!

I made it into the commissary where guys were discussing how bad they thought it was gonna rain. I checked the radar on my iPhone and saw that it was inevitable, we would face a rain delay.

I didn't think it would turn out to be a 4 hour rain delay!

I don't even think they got all of the way through the first inning...

Selling beer isn't even something i care to discuss. It was so awful. I didn't even make enough commission to cover my parking...and I park in a $5 garage....Only one guy in our commissary started to sell into his second case. I think they anticipated more people to show up to the game. The cost of beer was also raised during the All-Star activities....$8.75 for a 16oz bottle of an all-star brewski.

With the rain delay, most beer vendors were waiting around to see when we were able to check out. We were originally told we were able to start selling at noon and had to be done at 5:30. Just as the grounds crew was removing the tarp, ...around 5 we were all told we had to check out. I kept flirting with the idea of staying and watching the game and for the Celebrity Softball game...but carrying a full beer tub around for nearly 5 hours was exhausting and I honest would have rather of saved my energy for a much more busier two days ahead of me.

I'm kicking myself for not sticking around. I watched most of the All-Star Future's Game at home on ESPN 2 and what an exciting game! I also learned that the Celebrity Softball Game will be televised after the Home Run Derby on Monday I feel good about getting to watch that!

Totals thus far:
65 Bags of Cracker Jacks
80 Bottles of Water
151 Bags of Peanuts
2053 Bottles of Beer
(no typo in those beer totals. I only sold 2 beers guy didn't sell a beer...most of the guys sold about 12 beers...rough day)

Check back for pt. 2 late tomorrow night after the Home Run Derby for a full report of experiencing something amazing!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Ooooh, We're Half Way There...Oooh Oooh, Livin' On A Prayer!

Now that Bon Jovi is stuck in your head and your doing the air guitar...or maybe that's just me, I'm gonna take a look back at the first half of the 2009 MLB Beer Man Season.

First of all, I want to apologize for my rant in my previous blog entry. I obviously need to take a much more humble approach in this job. I'm blessed with even having a job...actually 2 jobs (a contract job at Wachovia/Wells Fargo, that ends next Friday...and the part-time beer man gig). Honestly, I thought being half-way through the season, I would have landed a full-time job and wouldn't be able to work as a beer man...I'm still praying a full-time job comes along soon...

So here I am. The season will officially be half way over on Tuesday night. It's actually already half way over as far as home games for the Cardinals as a beer man, I'm half way there...yes, livin' on a prayer that the season last through the end of October....well, we're in a better spot than the rest of the NLCD right now...

Now for a few thoughts/stories to share -

I've had something on my mind that I wanted to share for quite awhile with you...
I find it down right hilarious when I see fans talking on their cell're at a baseball game! You paid good money to sit in these talk on your cell phone? I can sit at home in much more comfortable attire and talk on my cell phone and save myself the $80 for a ticket to sit in the Red Bird Club're at the baseball game!!! Now I know, some people are calling to find a friend in the stadium, but honestly, what could be more important than watching whats going on in front of you?

Now for where I get my kicks out of this...I LOVE to yell my beer call when I see someone on their phone that is near me. I don't directly yell towards them, but I yell out and project my voice into the area. I think it's hilarious when they then take their other hand and protect their other ear...and most of the time people are having to tell the person on the other end that they are at the ball game...No I'm sure some of you are thinking how that is just down right rude...I still have to hawk and yell my beer call...I can't whisper it every time I see a cell phone being raised up to someone's ear...So I help remind the phonetards (yes, I just combined phone & tard) they are there for an enjoyable baseball game!


When the news came out this past week that there were over 1 million iPhone 3Gs' sold, I wasn't surprised...not that I don't already see enough people talking on their cell phones during the game...but I see TONS of people on their iPhone throughout the game.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that I could go down every single section and see at least 5-10 iPhones. Several people look like they are actually doing some form of work on there...lots of people are emailing...and over 75% of them are texting!

It's crazy to realize how many people have them and what they are using it for. I know when the 3Gs first came out, I saw people with them at the game that same day they came out. It allowed me to strike up a conversation with them...but then they looked at me as if I was a crazy person for talking to them about their phone and if they like the 3.0 OS. Oh well...


Other things I've learned while being a beer man so far this season (and I have blogged on here about the majority of these topics at some point) -

-there are only a few pairs of boxer-briefs that cooperate well when walking up and down so many steps...i won't go any farther than that...
-more people drink Bud Light than any other beer at Busch Stadium
-knee pads smell like death after working a few weeks and not washing them
-as soon as the temp is over 65, clothing tends to become optional for woman...not cool
-cougars run rampid and are on the prowl at baseball games
-I have beautiful calves according to a slightly intoxicated female at one of the games
-the parking garage attendant in the garage on 7th & Pine accepts tips
-according to numerous fans, I don't look old enough to even have a job yet...
-in sales, confidence is everything...unless you are selling beer, and then it sells itself most of the time


Totals thus far:
65 Bags of Cracker Jacks
80 Bottles of Water
151 Bags of Peanuts
2051 Bottles of Beer

I'll do the math for ya on this...

Cracker Jacks are $3.50/bag
Water is $5/bottle
Peanuts are $4/bag
Beer is $7.75/bottle

I've sold -
$227.50 in Cracker Jacks
$400 in Water
$604 in Peanuts
$15,895.25 in Beer

Grand Total of sales - $17,126.75
Now, that's not what I've made...that's just in sales...I'll remind you I only make tips and commission.

Well, that's it for tonight. Check back on Sunday night after I've worked the XM All-Star Futures Game and the All-Star Legends & Celebrity Softball Game!

Oh, and did I mention Jenna Fischer, Nelly, Billy-Bob Thorton, the chick that plays in 24 that is from STL, Mike & Mike from ESPN's Mike & Mike Show and Ozzie Smith are just a few of the celebrities playing in the softball game?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 37 - What's My Age Again?

Sorry for the late posting, but sometimes sitting down and relaxing instead of blogging as soon as I get home from a game is amazing...

Thursday night's game was something else...I have never been asked the same question as many times as I had on Thursday night...

"Are you old enough to even be selling beer?"

I know my small framed body and baby face looks will be a blessing when I'm 50...but with a little over a month away from my 27th birthday, it feels like a curse! I know I've mentioned it before, and I'll say it again, I think my young looks sometimes doesn't get me the tips I should be getting...the fans buying beer from me don't realize that I'm not in college anymore, I don't need the tips for beer drinking money, I'm needing that cash to pay bills and get through life.

Being a beer man was not my first choice of a job...but going through the whole unemployment thing has forced me to take a job that is pretty amazing, but not at all a very highly looked upon job. I mean, I sell beer...I have to perform a very high physical labor intensive job to bring in some income. I still take pride in this job...and I'll be for damn sure happy to shove it in everyone's face when I'm at ALL of the ALL-STAR ACTIVITIES...let me rephrase that...I'LL BE GETTING PAID TO BE AT THE CELEBRITY SOFTBALL GAME, HOMERUN DERBY & THE ALL-STAR GAME! Of all of the years that this could have happened to me, the year the all-star game is in STL! Let me rephrase it again, I have been so blessed to have this job at this time in my life!

I've gone down a path and ranted...let me back up a tad...Thursday night...

I couldn't believe the looks I got from people when I asked for their ID's. The majority of the people would give me that look. The look of disbelief that I was even old enough to know what a beer was.

I had a guy in a group of 4 ask for 4 beers. I asked for 4 ID's and he gave me a funny look. I know the guy looked over 21, but I had no clue about the other 3 people next to him. While they were passing down their ID's to me, a lady on the end of the row made the comment that I didn't look that, yes, I snapped back with that question, "how old do you think I look?" By this time I got the ID's from the group of 4 and verified they were all of age. The lady in front of me snapped back with, "13...16...maybe 18". I laughed. While she continued to think about it, the guy buying the beers from me asked how much and I yelled back to him "31"...that's when the lady gasped and asked if I was really 31? I told her no and corrected her that it was their total for their beer. Then her son sitting next her looked up and said, "26" I don't get it. Adults never really guess close to my actual age, but children and sometimes small wooden creatures always guess my correct age...

I can't remember a time when my age has come into so many conversations. Should I be surprised? No. But it's very frustrating. I've given thought to the fact that some people may not even realize I'm a beer man because I look so young. Fans usually don't hear what a beer man yells...I know this cause I can yell out that I have beer, peanuts and cracker jacks and I'll get someone look me dead in the eyes and ask if I have if I wasn't just yelling it into their ears...


Three months ago from yesterday, a rookie beer man got the nod and started something that would stretch across the entire U.S. along with 8 other countries...I'm talking about me starting my job at Busch and

It's been an amazing ride and in a week I'll be at the summer's biggest game! If someone thinks about it, I'd appreciate it if you'd DVR/Tivo the All-Star Activities...I'd love to actually sit down and get to watch it!

On Thursday night, I'll post a new blog looking back at some of my favorite things to do while being a beer man so far half way through the 2009 season...

Totals thus far:
65 Bags of Cracker Jacks
80 Bottles of Water
151 Bags of Peanuts
2051 Bottles of Beer

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 36 - Say Anything, Underage, My New Hat and Witnessing History

I have often wondered how true is the phrase, "Actions speak louder than words"? Tonight, I found out that it is completely true.

I was driving into the parking garage I usually park in. (on corner of 7th and Pine, only $ some money and walk a few blocks, no, no, you're welcome) I pull into the lane to pay to park and no one was there. I wait and I wait and finally, she comes out. Oh yes, the evil one herself. I'm speaking about the one who accepts tips. (click here to read my previous encounter with this lady) She doesn't even say a single word to me. She just looks at me as if I had just flipped her off or something. I hand her my $4 and she just gives me a blank look. She hands me the ticket and as I place it on my dash, I say thank you and she just continues to look at me. It's not like she didn't hear me...she was being flat out rude and has been rude since that day she informed me that she accepts tips. She pushes the button to raise the arm so I can enter the garage and doesn't stop giving me the stink-eye. I drive into the parking garage, realizing that she didn't need to say anything, she was rude and hateful while never having to speak a single word. I hope she collects money from me again, because I'll be sure to ask her if she wants a tip from me, then I'll tell her to be a very loving way of course.

Tonight while making it through my usually sections, it was during 'last call' when I had two guys who motion for beers. It was the little hand call in the air, signaling that they needed 2 beers. I get to where they were and know that I will be carding these guys. The guy who signaled for me asked for a Bud Light and a Select. Even though I see 4 beer bottles below their feet, I ask for their ID's. He roles his eyes and looks over at his buddy and says something to him. The first guy hands me his ID and he was 22. I asked him what he needed and he said 2 beers. I told him that I needed to know what he wanted and after I see the other ID, I'll be more than happy to give him the second one. He asks for a Bud Light and then gives me a $20. I tell him after I see that other ID, it'll be $15.50. His buddy who had been hiding his face from me behind his friend was very hesitant to give up his ID. I finally get it and notice the DOB was 7/18/1990. I took a double-take because I knew he wasn't old enough, but I thought to myself, "this guy is ballsy if he's giving me his ID to show me he isn't 21"'d think the moment I ask for an ID he'd say nevermind...but he really tested me to see if I was even checking the DOB...I say to the first guy, who already had his beer, "sorry, he isn't old enough." He looked back at me and was confused, looked back at his underage friend and pointed down to the empty beer bottles and they said something to each other again. I gave him the ID back and the change for the 1 beer.

I couldn't believe it...I mean, if you are going to really try to buy a beer and aren't 21...wouldn't you have a fake ID at least? He clearly wasn't carded before or his buddy bought the beers for him. I was flabbergasted! THIS GUY IS 18 AND TRYING TO BUY BEER WITH HIS ID, CLEARLY SHOWING THAT HE IS UNDER 21! WHAT WAS HE THINKING? YES, it was "last call" and I could have made one more sale, but losing my job is not worth breaking the law...or the $.85 I would have made on commission from that beer. No ID, not of age, no beer from me!

Tonight as I was turning in my apron and clocking out, I was told to go get our new hats for the All-Star Festivities. NEW HAT? I think that even if I have a crappy time of sales through the All-Star Festivities,this hat was well worth it all! Just being there is going to be worth all of this blood, sweat and tears that have gone into this season! Ok, ok, no tears, little blood, but tons of sweat!

I think this is an amazing hat and I'm actually wearing it right now as I blog! It's the little things in life that bring smiles to my face.

So if you haven't heard by now, tonight history was made. Albert Pujols. Do I need to say anything else? 30 is a special number! His second homerun tonight, yes, another multihomer game, which was his 30th this season, made history. No one has EVER gone 9 straight seasons (since their rookie year) to have 30 or more homeruns. It was his 30th career multihomer game. Tonight was also his 3rd mulithomer game in 8 days. Simply amazing! Just another exciting reason to be at the homerun derby...and get paid to be there!

Check back here towards the end of this week for Thursday's game blog and for a special blog that will be looking back at the first half of the 2009 MLB season as a beer man at Busch Stadium.

Totals thus far:
60 Bags of Cracker Jacks
80 Bottles of Water
146 Bags of Peanuts
1987 Bottles of Beer